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Mike Fuller

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A qualified teacher of Religious Studies, Philosophy and Ethics,   Mike taught in Hull, Banbury,  Dursley and Middleton Cheney -

           and continues to work

           as a trainer and tutor.

He has taught across years 7-13 (including GCSE Philosophy and Ethics; GCSE Islam; and A level Philosophy and Ethics, Biblical Studies and Buddhism). 


Mike is an experienced GCSE Senior Examiner, the author of innovative Religious Studies schemes of work, and of an introduction to New Testament Greek.


He is an INSET trainer, a theological lecturer and a personal tutor.


He is also an experienced supply teacher in just about every subject -

even, on one occasion, teaching girls' dance in a Convent School!

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Theophilus Tutoring

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holds a Master's degree in Biblical Studies and Doctrine from the University of Oxford

trained to teach Religious Studies at the University of Hull, with distinction (subsidiary Maths.)

is listed as a qualified teacher with the Teaching Regulation Agency    81/69490​

holds current DBS clearance           Update ID  C 2159189228

has for many years been an examiner at GCSE level

has written innovative schemes of work at KS3, 4 and 5, and is a consultant to and director of a provider of 11 plus resources

maintains INSET training: most recently in child and vulnerable adult protection, COVID care, young people's mental health, and domestic conflict

is a Member of the Chartered Institute of Educational Assessors

has many years' experience as a secondary supply teacher

is an experienced & insured personal tutor: for 11+, KS3 support, GCSE and A level RS, and undergraduate theology.

is a published author

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In retirement - and at a more leisurely pace - Mike continues to work as:


... an INSET trainer


... and as a Tutor in Theology

My tutoring charges are modest: £40 p.h. for 11+,more for GCSE / A level.

I'm happy to do a first

tutoring session at a

discount, to see if a

particular student

feels that they will

benefit from

working with me.

My rates are always negotiable

in cases of genuine hardship.

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Click on the school logos below for information about 11+ admission to the seven Gloucestershire Grammar Schoools

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... a personal tutor

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... as a visiting lecturer

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INSET training  on Understanding World Faiths

Scroll down for more BBC Education News

"Theophilus" means

"One who loves God". 

It is the name

(or pseudonym) of

the person that Luke writes his gospel to in the Christian Bible.

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